Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Would they want people to skip their commercials???

I feel that a firm's ability to react quickly to changes in the marketplace is an important strategy for all businesses.  The speed of change directly relates to how well a company can keep up with their competitors.   In the broadcasting sector, this is especially crucial because there are many options available for consumers to choose which company they want to use for cable television.  In a market where innovations in technology are always present, Directv must be able to foresee which technology will be used by their competitors.  In one of my earlier posts I touched on the fact that Directv has acquired technology that will allow its customers to skip television commercials.  Although it appears that this type of ad-skipping service would draw vast amounts of customers, Directv has held off using this technology until sees what kind of litigation Dish will deal with regarding certain networks.  Even though Directv possesses this technology, I feel that this strategic decision of "wait and see" was the right one to make for Directv.  

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